Matthew 20:16
King James Version
16 So the last shall be first, and the first last:
for many be called, but few chosen.
Apart from the TRIUNE GOD, there has been no personality we've written about so much lately.
Or at least, since the HOLY SPIRIT first alerted us to Kamala.
That's when we started "protecting" Trump's candidacy.
After GOD gave us that "winning" verse, and Trump won, we haven't stopped writing about him since.
It's a task given me by GOD.
Who am I to question GOD's will, ways, and wisdom?
I tried "deviating" once, thinking I had been writing about the president too much, and may be "neglecting" other potential posts.
But GOD put me right back on the Trump track.
I haven't resisted since.
Now, I merely enjoy the latest Trump developments.
You must admit, he is fun, funny, and fascinating.
I never thought I'd be writing about an American president.
As if I'm just right there by his side.
Witness to all his goings-on.
And maybe, I am.
When you're a born again watchman, being guided by the HOLY SPIRIT, you surely are on the scene.
Working for the LIVING GOD makes our articles come alive.
We do not work, and will never work, for the old media.
Even Trump put in new media.
He was tired of media bias.
Ninety-five percent of old media persecute him.
They do the same with Israel's Netanyahu.
In my case, I serve the LIVING GOD, and I write what His SPIRIT wants written.
It doesn't conform to the world.
It will not be popular with the world.
But if JESUS was rejected, I am deeply humbled.
Everything I share, and teach, must conform to the LORD's teachings.
He is the pattern, and model, for all things "LEADERSHIP".
Our Trump train is being ferried on His magnificent ship.
That's why we write non-stop.
There's so much material on the LORD's ways, versus man's ways.
So much material on the president He appointed.
His SPIRIT runs so strongly in Trump, as you can see.
Would a 78-year-old president accomplish as much as he has, unless GOD's hand, and heart, are upon him?
That should get you thinking about GOD's power over presidents.
Especially one He chose.
More articles here.
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