King James Version
2 For I determined not to know
any thing among you,
save Jesus Christ,
and him crucified.
It's been quite a journey these past 65 months.
The SPIRIT of GOD, inspired me to create 111 blogs from September 2019 to November 2024.
And then on February 2025, SPIRIT wanted the 112th.
This will be our sole blog now.
The official blog from hereon.
Sort of an end of one stage, and a beginning of another.
This, as we are in the second month of 2025.
Meaning, this is the blog where we will keep writing from now.
The previous 111 blogs were "foundation".
The necessary BUILDING blocks each succeeding blog was built upon.
Each article from those taught me about JESUS, GOD's will, ways, and wisdom, even wrath.
Now, we're better equipped to compare with the world's ways, guided by GOD's WORD alone.
Those blogs helped me "track" my progress as a student of SPIRIT.
Everything was clear, orderly, organized, pure, perfect, and precise.
The days it seemed "disorderly" were the days CHRIST's enemy tried to sabotage our work.
With this "OP-ED" blog, I'm now ready to write openly, and freely, based on what SPIRIT taught me.
The rich foundation will serve my work well.
People who are not born again have no idea the value of being one.
Only when GOD made me born again, did I first touch the Bible.
And started devouring it ravenously.
Now, I'm able to connect my life events, past, present, and future world events, with Scripture.
Now, I can write about any personality, and know if that person is living by GOD's laws.
The laws governing the godly, and the wicked.
The laws governing the obedient, and the rebellious.
The laws governing believers, and unbelievers.
SPIRIT taught me those laws.
The Bible has all those laws.
Never again will I say, "I didn't know."
Or "I wasn't aware."
There's no more excuse to "sin".
Now, I know what is pleasing to the LORD.
Now, it's easy determining truth, from lies.
Now, it's easy discerning GOD's ways, from man's ways.
Now, it's easy recognizing GOD's hand, from Satan's fingerprint.
Our 111 blogs were pure foundation.
Satan has been exposed.
His lies have been exposed.
His minions have been exposed.
Never again will the world be duped.
For I shall write about it.
I shall write about our follies, foolishness, and failures.
As well as what we're doing right, in GOD's eyes.
It's really pretty simple.
If you want to be good, you go to GOD.
If you want to be just, you go to JESUS.
If you want to be holy, you go to the HOLY SPIRIT.
And yet, the THREE are ONE.
The HOLY SPIRIT is an integral part of my being now.
I live, and breathe SPIRIT.
And when my days are over, my spirit returns to GOD.
Ecclesiastes 12:7
King James Version
7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was:
and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
It only returns Where it Came From.
Genesis 2:7
King James Version
7 And the Lord God formed man
of the dust of the ground,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living soul.
I don't know if there will be a 113rd blog.
This 112th will be like "EDUCATION from SPIRIT".
Wherein we just kept writing, and writing, since June 2021.
Turned out, we've written 43o posts on that blog alone.
Apart from that, there are 110 other blogs.
I suppose that's quite a volume of work which SPIRIT inspired.
I'll just keep writing on this 112th one.
EVERY moment the HOLY SPIRIT guides me.
Whatever JESUS wants me to write.
Wherever SPIRIT leads me.
Whatever glorifies GOD.
That's all a true born again does anyway.
We merely make use of the talents GOD gave us.
For His perfect purpose.
To serve Him, and others.
Self is but the vehicle.
Lastly, SPIRIT and I thank you for being with us through all these years.
Patiently reading through our posts.
And hopefully learning something.
All errors would only be mine.
More articles here.
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